Canilho, JoséVéstias, MárioNeto, Horácio2016-12-062016-12-062016CANILHO, José; VÉSTIAS, Mário Pereira; NETO, Horácio - Multi-core for k-means clustering on FPGA. In 26th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL). Lausanne, Switzerland: IEEE, 2016. ISSN 1946-1488. Pp. 1-41946-1488 this paper, a configurable many-core hardware/ software architecture is proposed to efficiently execute the widely known and commonly used K-means clustering algorithm. A prototype was designed and implemented on a Xilinx Zynq- 7000 All Programmable SoC. A single core configured with the slowest configuration achieves a 10X speed-up compared to the software only solution. The system is fully scalable and capable of achieving much higher speed-ups by increasing its parallelism.engClusteringK-meansHardware/Software Co-designHardware accelerationSystems on ChipMulti-core for k-means clustering on FPGAjournal article