Pinheiro, RicardoDiniz, Alexandre H. de Sousa2020-03-102020-03-1020192605-2555 - The main goal of this article is to address the problem with the construction of the concept of jazz, through the comparison between Herbie Hancock’s Possibilities (2005) and River: The Joni Letters (2007) albums. While River is commonly accepted by most critics as a ‘jazz album’, Possibilities presents a set of features that places it in a non-consensual territory in terms of labelling.engJazzPopRepertoireHerbie HancockPossibilitiesJoni MitchellPerformanceMusical processMusic industryMusic recordingsPopular music(De)Constructing jazz through its performers, repertoire, and musical process: a comparison between Herbie Hancock’s boundary-defying albums Possibilities and River: the Joni Lettersjournal article