Coelho, Ricardo LopesFaria, CláudiaValente, BianorMaurício, Paulo2023-09-112023-09-112020Coelho, R., Faria, C., Valente, B., & Maurício, P. (Eds.). (2020). History and Philosophy of Science and Science Teaching Proceedings. Shaker Verlag.978-3-8440-7443-7 volume now presented, with texts in English and Portuguese, has a double purpose: to frame the use of History and Philosophy of Science in science teaching; and to provide Portuguese teachers with materials from which to enrich their science classes. To this end, contributions have been gathered from authors who have researched the use of History and Philosophy of Science in the promotion of better education in an international context. Since its first meeting in 1989, the International History Philosophy and Science Teaching Group (IHPST) has organized biannual conferences. In recent years, it has also promoted regional conferences. In these conferences, teachers, students and scholars of education, history, philosophy and sociology of science contribute to broaden the field of research and strengthen the contribution of the Group in practical and theoretical issues. It is in this tradition that this volume appears. Most of our authors have been actively involved in the IHPST Group. As has been recognized, science education benefits if teachers and students get to know better the past of science and how science works. This concerns what the authors of the past have said and done - which usually differs from what our textbooks tell us; it concerns the methods of science; the limitations of scientific theories; the impacts of science and technology and the recognition of emerging ethical issues. From all this, the editors hope that the present volume can benefit the teaching and learning of science in Portugal.engHistory and philosophy of scienceScience teachingHistory and philosophy of science and science teaching proceedingsbook