Sampaio, Rui Pedro ChedasSilva, Tiago Alexandre Narciso da2015-08-212015-08-212014SAMPAIO, Rui Pedro Chedas; SILVA, Tiago Alexandre Narciso da – Unbalance and field balacing virtual labs. In Proceedings of 2014 11th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, VER. New York : IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2014. Art. Nr. 6784225, pp. 75-76 of the most common problems of rotating machinery is the rotor unbalance. The effects of rotor unbalance can vary from the malfunction of certain equipment to diseases related to the exposure to high vibration levels. However, the balancing procedure is known, it is mandatory to have qualified technicians to perform it. In this sense, the use of virtual balancing experiments is of great interest. The present demo is dedicated to present two different balancing simulators, which can be explored in conjunction, as they have complementary outputs. © 2014 IEEE.engField BalancingIndustrial TrainingMechanical EngineeringVirtual ExperimentUnbalance and field balacing virtual labsconference object10.1109/REV.2014.6784225