Alves, M. S. F.Barbosa, InêsBragança, IvoLoja, Amélia2018-11-072018-11-072017-04ALVES, M. S. F.; [et al] – Towards damage quantification caused by drilling in fibre composite laminates. In 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation – SYMCOMP 2017. Guimarães, Portugal: APMTAC – Associação Portuguesa de Mecânica Teórica, Aplicada e Computacional, 2017. ISBN: 978-989-99410-3-8. Pp. 175-188978-989-99410-3-8 trabalho foi financiado pelo Concurso Anual para Projetos de Investigação, Desenvolvimento, Inovação e Criação Artística (IDI&CA) 2016 do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. Código de referência IPL/2016/CompDrill_ISELDrilling operations are a very frequent need when one needs to connect diferente components in a structure, regardless the nature of the materials involved. When these components are total or partially made of composite materials, this manufacturing operation requires a particular care, as the heterogeneous character of composites makes them especially prone to delamination or fibre pulling-out. These undesirable situations, not only contribute to reduce the stiffness/strength of the material in the drilled region neighbourhood, but they may even lead to a subsequent damage propagation and failure. It is therefore important to improve drilling processes efficiency from the damage minimization perspective. To this purpose, the characterization of the drilling parameters influence in a cross-relation to the composite material characterization may be a relevant contribution. With the present work, one intends to present preliminary results associated to the experimental procedure that will enable the characterization of the influence of drilling parameters and of material and geometrical specimen parameters on the drilling affected areas. The information acquisition of the affected areas is carried out through thermographic digital images. A set of illustrative cases is presented and preliminar conclusions are drawn.engFibre reinforced compositesDamageThermographyDigital image processingTowards damage quantification caused by drilling in fibre composite laminatesconference object