Costa, Cátia S.Ribeiro, M. RosárioSilva, João2017-11-152017-11-152017-11COSTA, Cátia S.; RIBEIRO, M. Rosário; SILVA, João M. – Waste polyolefins valorization to fuels by catalytic transformation under hydrogen pressure. In the third workshop of catalysis and sustainability (CATSUS 3). Book of Abstracts. Lisboa, Portugal: FCUNL, 2017, p. 18. plastics contribute to many environmental and social problems due to the loss of natural resources, environmental pollution, depletion of landfill space and demands of an environmentally oriented society. The amount of waste polymers increases by 6.6 to 12% each year, depending on the country and about 70% of waste are polyolefins, including polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS).engWastepollutionWaste polyolefins valorization to fuels by catalytic transformation under hydrogen pressureconference object