Lourenço, JaimeCenteno, Maria João2021-11-182021-11-182021-11-15Lourenço, J. & Centeno, M.J. (2021). Film journalism: Ways to build a definition. In J. Sotelo González &, N. Abuin Vences (coords.), Comunicar en Pandemia: De las fake news a la sostenibilidad (pp. 69-85). McGraw-Hill Interamericana de España.978-84-486-3193-2http://hdl.handle.net/10400.21/14018Film Journalism as a study object is still unexplored by social and communication sciences. It must be understood as a particular field of cultural journalism, assuming itself as a journalistic practice that focus on the cultural and artistic activity, that marked the 20th century and insists on following into the 21st century, the Cinema. Viewed as a subgenre of cultural journalism, Film Journalism assumes itself as an informative, critical, and pedagogical field. In the current article, in face of the scarcity of investigations about this topic in Portugal and based on semi-structured interviews to the main Portuguese journalists who daily dedicate themselves to the coverage of cinema, we seek to contribute towards the definition of Film Journalism as a journalistic practice insert in the scope of cultural journalism.engFilm JournalismJournalistic coverageFilm journalism: ways to build a definitionbook part