Mata, F.Dos Santos, Maria José Palma LampreiaBaptista, NunoJesus Silva, Natacha2024-05-312024-05-312023-11-16Mata, F., Dos-Santos, M., Baptista, N. & Natacha, S. (2023, nov, 16-18). Sustainable consumption in urban short supply chains. Poster presented at Congress FARM to FORK, Cine Teatro Avenida, Castelo Branco, Portugal. United Nations, national and regional public decision-makers, and the academy are increasingly paying attention to sustainable development. They are debating the main institutional ways and the respective restrictions to achieve a compromise solution among the economic, social, environmental, and institutional dimensions of sustainable development (Kumar, 2022). Sustainable food production and sustainable consumption in urban short-supply chains are dependent on the links between various stakeholders, including companies, consumers and public decision-makers (Govindan, 2018). Previous literature lacks a systematic and holistic view of these actors and corresponding dependencies, limiting our understanding of how to leverage sustainable innovation and design sustainable strategies and policies for food production and consumption. Based on a systematic literature review of a large sample of representative publications included in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, this study tries to overcome this gap in the literature by exploring the relationship between ethical and sustainable consumption and production in short supply chains and offers an agenda for future research. This study, which was developed under the SDGsConsum project, proposes a holistic model of integrative development. The main results confirm that, despite the huge development in SDGs literature, and sustainable development of consumption, the focus on urban shortly supply chains of production in the literature is modest in general, and in particular in food sectorial activities. Moreover, the motivations and constraints that drive and restrain consumers and companies toward sustaina- ble consumption and how these two dimensions complement each other or overlap remain a topic that needs to be further investigated. The results of this study can help shape policies that are adequate to promote a better adjustment of sustainable food supply and demand. Moreover, it might also bring new approaches to integrate and promote short supply chains of foods in urban areas for a more sustainable development of the world.engSustainable consumptionUrban short supply chainStakeholdersPolicySustainable consumption in urban short supply chainsconference object