Carvalho, A.Silva, T. A. N.Loja, Amélia2017-06-072017-06-072017-04CARVALHO, A.; SILVA, T. A. N.; LOJA, M. A. R. – Assessing parametric uncertainty on fibre reinforced composite laminates. In SYMCOMP 2017 – 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation. Guimarães, Portugal. APMTAC – Associação Portuguesa de Mecânica Teórica, Aplicada e Computacional, 2017. Pp. 129-142. trabalho foi financiado pelo Concurso Anual para Projetos de Investigação, Desenvolvimento, Inovação e Criação Artística (IDI&CA) 2016 do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa. Código de referência IPL/2016/CompDrill_ISELWhen modeling a composite structure it is important to take into account its greater exposition to parametric variability, when compared to other types of materials more traditionally used. The possibility to tailor composite materials according to specific requisites is simultaneously a source of additional variability, which origin may be associated to material and to geometrical characteristics. Regardless the origin of this variability, they will produce its effect in the structure response, thus it is very important to anticipate them and to quantify them as much as possible. With the present work, it is intended to assess and quantify the influence of geometrical parameters variabilities on the composite structural response. Behind this characterization, linear static analyses were performed, considering that the layers’ thicknesses and fibre orientation angles will be affected by uncertainty. A set of simulations and numerical results are presented and discussed.engParametric uncertainty characterizationComposite laminatesVariability of composite behaviourAssessing parametric uncertainty on fibre reinforced composite laminatesconference object