Tomás, Maria TeresaEncarnação, AnaQuintans, DoraGonçalves, LuísCarolino, ElisabeteCoutinho, Maria IsabelMedeiros, Duarte2011-11-092011-11-092009-06Tomás MT, Encarnação A, Quintans D, Gonçalves L, Carolino E, Coutinho I, Medeiros D. Intermittent claudication and physical exercise: effectiveness of a home-based program. In 14th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Exercise, Oslo (Norway), 24-27th June, 2009. Poster. arterial disease (PAD) as a high incidence in general population and 12% to 20% of population with more than 60 years has already clinical symptoms, such as intermittent claudication (IC), pain, loss of strength and functional incapacity. There are already some studies who refer the possible positive effects of physical exercise in functional consequences of PAD.engFisioterapiaReabilitaçãoClaudicação intermitenteExercício físicoIntermittent claudication and physical exercise: effectiveness of a home-based programconference object