Lizana, JesúsChacartegui Ramírez, RicardoAlmeida, Susana MartaManteigas, Vítor2022-09-022022-09-022022-08Lizana J, Chacartegui Ramírez R, Almeida SM, Manteigas V, editors. The pathway towards low carbon schools: criteria, targets and solutions. Nova Science Publishers; 2022. book presents the research work carried out in the European project ClimACT within the Interreg SUDOE Programme. The book collects the main research activities and findings to promote a low-carbon economy in schools, where we developed a special collaboration and awareness between authorities, researchers, companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and school communities on the road to sustainable school buildings. The project brings together partners and associated entities with complementary functions from SUDOE countries (Spain, France, Portugal, United Kingdom, and Andorra) that coordinate the exchange of good practices and applications of joint solutions to common challenges that affect sustainability and the effective management of energy and the environment in schools. The project involved 39 pilot schools and had a budget of 1.3 million euros, 72% obtained as a part of the European territorial cooperation objective known as Interreg, which is financed by one of the European structural funds: the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).engEnvironmental healthSchoolsLow-carbon economyClimACT ProjectSchools performancePortugalSpainFranceUnited KingdomAndorraThe pathway towards low carbon schools: criteria, targets and solutionsbook10.52305/XVSQ6757