Rezola, Maria Inácia2016-05-302016-05-302016REZOLA, Maria Inácia - ‘The revolution in school or a school in revolution. About a recent essay’. History of Education & Children’s Literature [Em linha]. ISSN 1971-1093 (Print) 1971-1131 (Online).Vol. XI (1), 2016, p. 443-447. Recensão crítica. [Consult. Dia Mês Ano] Disponível em www: (Print)1971-1131 (Online)ão crítica do livro "PINTASSILGO, Joaquim, org. - O 25 de Abril e a educação: discursos, práticas e memórias docentes. Lisboa: Edições Colibri, 2014. ISBN: 978‐989‐689‐434‐4.”Starting from the recent publication of Joaquim Pintassilgo, O 25 de Abril e a educação: discursos, práticas e memórias docentes, this paper intends to initiate a reflection on the importance of the date of April 25, 1974, in which there was in Portugal the glorious military revolution, that culminated in the fall of regime established by Antonio de Oliveira Salazar. Which was the role of this revolution inside the Portuguese school system? Which was the influence of the school in the Portoguese revolution?eng25 de abril de 1974História do Século XXPortugal (séc.XX)EducaçãoSistema escolarThe revolution in school or a school in revolution. About a recent essay [recensão crítica]review