Niehus, ManfredSimão, JoséSilva, João Castanheira daSerrador, AntónioCarvalho, João M.Gonçalves Cavaco Mendes, Mário José2024-03-272024-03-272023Niehus, M., Silva, J.C., Carvalho, J.M., Simão, J., Serrador, A. & Mendes, M.J.G.C. (2023). “Towards a hardware-in-the-loop quantum optical ground station simulator and testbed”. In Proceedings of the IEEE ICSOS International Conference on Space Optical Systems and Applications, 11-13 October 2023, Vancouver, Canada. single pass Bennett-Brassard 1984 protocol quantum key distribution downlink from a small quantum satellite in low earth orbit to an optical ground station is studied with the objective to develop the framework for a hardware-in-the-loop quantum optical ground station simulator and testbed.engquantum key distributionsmall satellitesimulatoroptical ground stationhardware-in-the-loopmodel-based engineeringfunctional mock-up interfaceTowards a hardware-in-the-loop quantum optical ground station simulator and testbedconference object