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Nas últimas décadas tem-se assistido ao aumento da prevalência da obesidade,
representando esta doença um dos desafios mais graves de saúde pública na
Região Europeia. Segundo a World Health Organization, em 2014, mais de 1,9
bilhões de adultos, com 18 anos ou mais, estavam acima do peso desejável e
destes, mais de 600 milhões eram obesos. Em Portugal os números são igualmente
assustadores, sendo que a prevalência da obesidade nos adultos é superior a 50%.
Paralelamente, verifica-se que as inovações tecnológicas não param de emergir e
ganham cada vez mais espaço nas sociedades modernas. Se por um lado esta
evolução tecnológica diminuiu a atividade física e aumentou o sedentarismo, por
outro lado pode ser uma aliada na promoção de comportamentos mais saudáveis.
A informação veiculada e presente a qualquer hora do dia e em qualquer lugar pode
incentivar a adoção de novos comportamentos promotores de saúde. As aplicações
mobile, principalmente as relacionadas com a saúde, nutrição e fitness, estão cada
vez mais presentes no quotidiano das pessoas, e podem, por isso, revelar-se num
meio privilegiado para as apoiar no processo árduo e moroso que é a perda e
manutenção do peso e a adoção de estilos de vida mais saudáveis.
Este trabalho de projeto visa rever e sumarizar os conteúdos das aplicações mobile
da área da saúde e fitness mais populares e com uma classificação média mais
alta, criar um primeiro protótipo de uma app simples e educativa com base em
estratégias de usabilidade e de promoção da literacia em saúde e avaliar a
rentabilidade e sustentabilidade do negócio resultante do lançamento no mercado
de uma aplicação com as caraterísticas acima descritas.
ABSTRACT: In recent decades the prevalence of obesity has incresead, and this disease represents one of the most serious public health challenges in the European Region. According to the World Health Organization, in 2014, over 1.9 billion adults, with 18 years or more, were above of the desirable weight and, more than 600 million were obese. In Portugal numbers are also frightening, and the prevalence of obesity in adults is over 50%. At the same time, it appears that technological innovations are constantly emerging and gain more space in modern societies. On the one hand this technological evolution has decreased physical activity and increased sedentary lifestyles, on the other hand can be an ally in promoting healthier behaviors. The information provided at any time of day and anywhere can encourage the adoption of new healthy behaviors. The mobile applications, especially those related to health, nutrition and fitness, are increasingly present in the daily lives of people, and may therefore prove to be a privileged way for supporting the difficult and lengthy process that is the loss and maintenance of weight and the adoption of healthier lifestyles. This project work aims to review and summarize the contents of the most popular mobile applications of health and fitness field and with a higher average rating, create a first prototype of a simple and educational app based on usability and health literacy promotion strategies and evaluate the profitability and sustainability of the resulting business market launch of an application with the above characteristics.
ABSTRACT: In recent decades the prevalence of obesity has incresead, and this disease represents one of the most serious public health challenges in the European Region. According to the World Health Organization, in 2014, over 1.9 billion adults, with 18 years or more, were above of the desirable weight and, more than 600 million were obese. In Portugal numbers are also frightening, and the prevalence of obesity in adults is over 50%. At the same time, it appears that technological innovations are constantly emerging and gain more space in modern societies. On the one hand this technological evolution has decreased physical activity and increased sedentary lifestyles, on the other hand can be an ally in promoting healthier behaviors. The information provided at any time of day and anywhere can encourage the adoption of new healthy behaviors. The mobile applications, especially those related to health, nutrition and fitness, are increasingly present in the daily lives of people, and may therefore prove to be a privileged way for supporting the difficult and lengthy process that is the loss and maintenance of weight and the adoption of healthier lifestyles. This project work aims to review and summarize the contents of the most popular mobile applications of health and fitness field and with a higher average rating, create a first prototype of a simple and educational app based on usability and health literacy promotion strategies and evaluate the profitability and sustainability of the resulting business market launch of an application with the above characteristics.
Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
Negócios Plano de negócios Saúde Obesidade Nutrição Aplicações móveis Fitness mHealth Business Business plan Health Obesity Nutrition Mobile applications
DELGADO, Mayumi Thaís Fernandes de - Plano de negócio para a aplicação mobile Nutri Consult. Lisboa: Escola Superior de Comunicação Social, 2015. Trabalho de projeto.